Frep app turn off screen replay
Frep app turn off screen replay

frep app turn off screen replay
  1. #Frep app turn off screen replay drivers#
  2. #Frep app turn off screen replay pro#

:) And also, it would be the raw code as we wrote it, unoptimized by the compiler. We use those things internally of course, but this would also expose our code in a more severe manner that doesn't allow us to protect it from prying eyes such as hackers and competitors. About the first part, a profiling mode, sure, that exists, but not something we want to give out. So that already helps a lot in getting that information from users who don't really know their system. This wasn't the case prior to the update. We did add some extra log lines in that show us which hardware exactly is being used to run Liftoff.

#Frep app turn off screen replay drivers#

Originally posted by Poison Dart Frag:Could you guys add a "profiling" mode that provides a report of how long each part of the code is taking to run on each frame, the various details about the hardware and drivers etc, that could assist you in diagnosing performance issues? It would be fantastic if you could share some details of your system, what difference you experience, what graphics settings you are on, what levels cause these issues for you etc. Potentially a certain combination of the new Unity version, drivers, and certain hardware could cause trouble, but we don't know at this point. Unfortunately it's likely not something we will be able to fix with standard optimisation procedures since we have exhausted a lot of our options here. The team is now investigating what could be the cause for some of these reports, we don't know what's behind it. It is now certified to run at a consistent good framerate on 7 year old console hardware. We had to do a lot of this work for our console version too, and have a dedicated QA company do multiple performance test, month after month, to make sure the game hits certain performance requirements. We know for a fact that the game is a lot lighter now. These past 6 months of work have been dedicated to optimisation. We are honestly a bit surprised by the reports, very unfortunate.

#Frep app turn off screen replay pro#

This is something the game had been doing for years now, that's how feature like the ghost data, bots, multiplayer and the Pro League replays work, so the replay function should have no impact on the performance. I understand the association with the replay function, however we are not capturing video, only flight positions.

Frep app turn off screen replay